Student Projects


As part of their assessment the students carry out a  group research project and are taught tropical plant and animal identification during their stay.

Project areas:

  • Studies of hummingbird behaviour and cognition; floral morphology, nectar and pollinator interactions. Studies of mammal diversity and behaviour using camera trap data.
  • Studies of bird distributions using observation based data.
  • Studies of invertebrate ecology, behaviour and cognition.
  • Dung beetle, moth and butterfly diversity projects.
  • Studies of frog diversity and forest fragmentation, comparing the biodiversity of frogs across different forest habitats.
  • Microbial ecology including antimicrobial strategies of plants: studies of microbial interactions with plants and animals. Here is a link to Beth Clarkson’s paper!
  • Plant ecology – studies of plant diversity; bromeliad water tanks and anchorage studies.
  • Bioacoustics – analysis of animal sound recordings eg. birds, frogs, bats and bush-crickets. Charlie Woodrow’s paper!
Entomology projects
Entomology projects
Working with the humming birds
Working with the hummingbirds
Working in the forest
Working in the forest
Learning about the plants
Learning about the plants



Tropical plant identification practical
Tropical plant identification practical
The identification test
The identification test


Fieldwork takes students off the main trails and into the primary forest to set-up transects
Fieldwork takes students off the main trails and into the primary forest to set-up transects
Camera trap data - Spectacled bears!
Camera trap project – Spectacled bears!
Students search for new species of lizard with world lizard expert Dr Omar Torres-Carvajal
Students search for new species of lizard with world lizard expert Dr Omar Torres-Carvajal
Exploring the forest at night - katydid hunt
Exploring the forest at night – katydid hunt
Microbiology in the cloud forest
Microbiology in the cloud forest
Identification test
Identification test
Bromeliad project
Bromeliad project
Inspecting the moth traps
Inspecting the moth traps


Working with the mules
Working with the mules


Setting up the entomology experiments

Setting up the entomology experiments

Transects - deep in the forestTransects – deep in the forest

Exploring the rivers
Exploring the rivers